Welcome to CMS Compliance Counsel Welcome to CMS Compliance Counsel Welcome to CMS Compliance Counsel Welcome to CMS Compliance Counsel

Welcome to the CMS Compliance Department of Lippe & Associates

The Law Offices of Lippe & Associates, http://www.texaslaw.com, through its CMS Compliance Counsel Department, provides counseling and litigation services involving regulatory dealings with CMS, whether at the licensing stage, implementation and adoption of Policies and Procedures, operational issues, auditing procedures and oversight, communications with CMS, processing of appeals and grievances, and regulatory disputes and litigation, with focus on the Medicare Advantage Program and Private Fee for Service (PFFS) programs administered by CMS. The firm provides attorneys with decades of experience in counseling corporate and insurance clients, dealing with regulators in many regulatory environments, and litigating business and insurance industry disputes, who will provide individualized attention to the needs of our clients, from the very smallest to the very largest. It also maintains a network of experienced counsel to provide personnel as needed.

Because this is a new area of regulatory involvement, and, due to the changing demographics of the United States population, the area of CMS Compliance is rapidly changing and expanding, and the CMS Compliance Counsel Department of the firm is dedicated to furnishing the necessary services for its clients. We are constantly monitoring new regulatory releases and amendments, and strive to be aware of current 'hot spots" in regulatory compliance. Because the penalties for noncompliance are so severe, we counsel our clients to make every effort to stay abreast of the latest developments and changes in regulatory requirements.

The firm practices in state and federal court, before agencies and arbitration panels, at both the trial and appellate level, and also has a general non-litigation civil practice. The geographic scope of the firm's practice is that of a national practice. Mr. Lippe is licensed in the District of Columbia, the United States Supreme Court, the State of Texas, and the State of Colorado. Since CMS is based in Washington, D.C., administrative proceedings will often take place in the District of Columbia. Mr. Lippe is also Board Certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization in Civil Trial Law and Civil Appellate Law.